miércoles, 6 de enero de 2021

Monique Nuijten (1961-2021). Panel en la Conferencia 2021 de la IUAES

Invitación a conversar en torno a la obra de Monique Nuijten en la Conferencia de la IUAES (Mérida 2021). Registro de ponencias abierto hasta el 30 de junio de 2021. Para registro, entrar aquí al PANEL 88

IUAES Congress, Merida 2021 

Panel 88

Panel Title: Organising practices and force fields in the œuvre of Monique Nuijten

Abstract: Politics, development, statehood, corruption and institutions –these are the topics that Monique Nuijten (Netherlands, 1961-2021) pursued as a well-known specialist in political anthropology and sociology in Latin America and Europe. In her fieldwork among different populations in Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, and Spain, she was interested in what she insightfully called organising practices and force fields. This outstanding methodological and conceptual perspective transformed social research by offering us alternative ways to understand politics and state formation at the grassroots level. Her publications inspired many students and colleagues working around the globe.

Long Abstract (sic): Monique Nuijten (Netherlands, 1961-2021) is a well-known contemporary social scientist, who left us an enduring legacy in several research fields in anthropology and sociology. Politics, development, statehood, corruption, law, institutions, organization, violence and power –these are part of the topics that she pursued in her research in Latin America and Europe. She performed fieldwork among different populations in Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, and Spain. Since her first experiences (in Mexico, in the 90s) she was interested in what she insightfully called organising practices and force fields. She formulated her perspective as a critique against the dominant theoretical schema that focused on State as a centralized and all-mighty institutionalized force, as well as against the structural idea of “broker”, embedded in debates on regional power, mediators and political connections. Her perspective also questions the idea of homogeneity in collective actors and action, placing key questions on dominant ideas on social movement, resistance, and subalternity. She also called for a more careful consideration of the social impact of law, institutionalized procedures, official statements and historical narratives. All those elements are important in organization and interaction, and in scientific approaches, but in uneven forms, and sometimes as rhetoric or conspiracy theories displayed in interaction. Organizing practices and force fields, thus, consist on analytical notions that focus on the complex and multiform fluxes of action, a methodological strategy that connects research to unfinished processes of negotiation, performance, discursivity, and manipulation of fetishized objects and ideas. In a wider view, her ideas represent an alternative understanding against contemporary mainstream perspectives on social power (particularly poststructuralist views on power in a scale that cancel any consideration of actor/subject), and on social action (that ignore any wider and long lasting patterns in interaction). This outstanding methodological and conceptual perspective transformed social research by offering us alternative ways to understand politics and state formation at the grassroots level, as well as development, law, bureaucracy, spatial order, informality. We can know now her analytical approach in her studies on land disputes in Mexico and Peru, the spatial regime in favelas in Brazil, the political activism of the (PAH – Platform of Mortgage Victims) in Spain, the utopian aspirations among practitioners of break-dance in Ecuador, or in informality and coproduction of urban space around the globe. Her publications* have inspired many students and colleagues working around the globe. This academic panel will gather scholars pursuing anthropological explorations on grassroots politics in our contemporary societies. It constitutes a contribution to the ongoing review of her work, as in the recent publication Engaged Encounters, Thinking about Forces, Fields and Friendships with Monique Nuijten by the Department of Sociology of Development and Change at the University of Wageningen, where she worked nearly her entire academic life.

The participants in this session, hailing from three different countries, will discuss multiple methodological and theoretical trajectories in their own current research.


*- Monique Nuijten, Power, Community, and the State: The Political Anthropology of Organisation in Mexico (Pluto Press, 2003), - Monique Nuijten, “Power in practice: a force field approach to power in natural resource management” (Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies, 2005), - Monique Nuijten, “Between fear and fantasy: governmentality and the working of power in Mexico” (Critique of anthropology, 2004/6). - Monique Nuijten, Martijn Koster, Pieter de Vries, Augusto Antonio Campelo Cabral, “Regimens of Spatial Ordering in Brazil: neoliberalism, leftist populism and modernist aesthetics in slum upgrading in Recife”, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, Singapura, v. 33, n. 2, p. 157-170, 2012. - Monique Nuijten (2015) Political activism and the PAH (Platform of Mortgage Victims) in Spain: the significance of Franz von Benda-Beckmann's work for the study of power, political agency and legal pluralism at the grassroots, The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 47:3, 476-492. - Martijn Koster, Monique Nuijten, “Coproducing urban space: Rethinking the formal/informal dichotomy”, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 37 (2016) 282–294. - Maritza Bode Bakker & Monique Nuijten (2018) ‘When breaking you make your soul dance’ Utopian aspirations and subjective transformation in breakdance, Identities, 25:2, 210-227

**(Elisabet Dueholm Rasch, Oscar Salemink, Bram Büscher and Michiel Köhne -editors, Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2020)

Keywords: Monique Nuijten, politics, state, development, organising practices, force field


Algunas publicaciones en torno a Monique Nuijten

 John Gledhill: Monique Nuijten: a tribute

José Luis Escalona: Los retornos del Estado. Preguntas sobre la fuerza de una idea. A Monique Nuijten

Engaged Encounters. Thinking about Forces, Fields and Friendships with Monique Nuijten. Editors: Elisabet Dueholm Rasch, Oscar Salemink, Bram Büscher and Michiel Köhne

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

Una visión muy interesante, para profundizar, de la burocracia. Gracias José Luis Escalona.

T’áalk’u’ Iknalítico: Omniausencias, Omnipresencias y Ubicuidades Mayas

 Una interesante publicación de reciente aparición