lunes, 13 de julio de 2020

Anthropological Theory Commons

Un espacio de discusiones frescas sobre teoría en distintos espacios al rededor del mundo, impulsado por Anthropological Theory Journal.

What is ATC?

"ANTHROPOLOGICAL THEORY COMMONS (ATC) emerges from the need to bring the theoretical discussions developed in the Journal Anthropological Theory to a wider audience, global in its scope, diverse in its horizons.
 ATC aims to be a home for theoretical discussion –a place for long and short pieces and interviews, a space for shared topics- seeking participation in ongoing debates in significant areas of theory and its history; seeking new voices to forge new directions in the production of an Anthropological Theory from and for everybody.
In the context of a ‘toss and turn’ dynamic, ATC encourages discussions that give shape to an epistemological turn, one that seeks to understand, and improve, the conditions of anthropological knowing, so that what gets saved is robust theory or that which can be made more robust, and what gets tossed is theory that is either wrong or unknowable". 

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