viernes, 29 de julio de 2016

Positioning Theory: a Re-launch of the journal Anthropological Theory, 2016

Positioning Theory: a Re-launch of the journal Anthropological Theory
What is Theory? Who does Theory? And what can Theory do? Is theory important as humans strive to explain, understand, and speak to the nature of their lives? Anthropological Theory is a journal that speaks to decisive theoretical questions and debates facing a discipline committed to exploring what it means to be human and whether the human project can survive. For the re-launch of Anthropological Theory, Julia Eckert, Stephen Reyna, and Nina Glick Schiller, the new editors, challenged members of the Editorial Board to offer their understanding of the nature of anthropological theory. Positioning Theory, our re-launch issue enters into the ongoing debate about the nature, significance, and key issues of theory in anthropology, including the questions who it is for and whose voice it represents.
Vol 16 Issue 2-3, Table of Contents:

T’áalk’u’ Iknalítico: Omniausencias, Omnipresencias y Ubicuidades Mayas

 Una interesante publicación de reciente aparición